Tuesday, May 25, 2010

For my Girl Jac :)

On of my favorite people recently started a new blog. She's probably one of the most creative people I know and is the original inspiration behind my scrapbooking/ card making addiction.

I love this Idea and may do it for my birthday as well :)



So I know everyone loves a little candy treat every once in a while. Well I have some nice blog candy for one lucky person.

Blog Candy 1

Since it's my birthday next Tuesday, I thought I would share my day and give someone else a present. I'm giving away a Starbucks travel mug, and a $20 gift card.

Want to have a shot at getting some quality time with coffee? Here's the scoop. Post a comment on this post with a link to your blog or twitter or facebook page that tells others about this blog candy and maybe a little birthday message for me :).
On my birthday , June 1st, I will randomly choose one winner, and post it here.
Good luck!!

Monday, May 24, 2010

what + if = ???

I went to the movies last night with "the family" and we saw 'letters to Juliet'. And I must say I LOVED it! I'm not going to go into details about the movie. If you've seen the previews then you know its about finding a long lost 'true love'. It was a very nice way to spend a Sunday evening.

Now I'm not bring up this movie because I want to "review" it, or talk about the plot or the premise of finding ones true love. What I want to talk about is part of the letter that is read at the end of the movie.

"'What' and ‘if’ two words as nonthreatening as words come. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life: ‘What if?'..."

For anyone who has ever made a mistake, no matter how minor (which is essentially everyone), you know how those words can wreak havoc on your soul. I know that I went through a rough period of time a couple of years ago where the words "what if?" haunted my every waking moment. It was a horrible way to live, if you can even call that living.

On day I decided that I'd had enough. I decided that I wasn't going to let the choices that someone else made dictate my future. I decided to live with no regrets.

So I challenge you to do the same. Don't let the words "what" and "if" ruin your future...

Its a beautiful day! Go out and live it!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

In this moment...

Today was a really good day.

One of those days where you get more than you expected accomplished and still have time for a nap. The type of day you look back on and say "wow! I feel good about today!"

Today started early, way earlier than necessary (I woke up at 6 am and was unable to fall back asleep). So I made the most of it, tidied my room, did 2 loads of laundry and made breakfast for "the family". Dropped "M" off at school and headed to KW. I did a ton of running around, got my old car on the road and was able to bless someone with the use of it for a couple weeks while they are getting their vehicle fixed. Had lunch with friends I hardly ever see any more. Got some legal paperwork taken care of. Went to the market. Had a nice chat with my mom. Had a nap at my mom's. Drove back to Orangeville. Had dinner with "the family". Got home, cleaned out the truck and put away the groceries. Got ready for bed, and then had an amazing conversation with "M".

Now I am not saying all this stuff to talk about how wonderful and amazing I am (we already know I am the coolest thing since sliced bread. LOL). I guess what I am trying to point out that for me, it was a wonderfully successful day because I was able "to do relationships". That is what drives and motivates me. I thrive on relationships. Even without the really good conversation that "M" and I had today would have been a great day...

But our conversation was like the icing on the cake, but not just any icing on any old cake. It was one of those moments that make some of the hardest lessons that you've learned in your life worth it. A moment were you know what you're saying is impacting someone else's life for the better.

I've only lived here with "the family" for a little over 2 weeks, but I already feel like I've made a lasting impression. I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God placed me with this family. It is such an amazing feeling to know that you are walking out your destiny!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

gotta say it... Thanks mom!!

Ever had one of those moments when you open your mouth and your mother "falls out"? Not that its necessarily a bad thing... and in this instance its not. In fact I'm so glad that it happened.

For anyone that has been following my blog I recently started a new job working as a nanny for a family with a 14 year old. Now I remember being 14, kinda, and I know that its not always easy dealing with parents, raging hormones, and peer pressure from friends. But I have to say that "M" is doing pretty good. Her grades are excellent, she's committed to figure skating and all that it entails, and is usually pretty respectful of her parents. But like all teenagers she has her "moments".

One of these moments happened saturday morning. "M" had been asked to clean up a room in the barn in preparation for a mothers day/birthday celebration. Her friend was here and "S" (the mom) offered them $20 each for doing the job. They split up the work and got it done, supposedly. "S" went out and inspected the work. Lets just say it was less than satisfactory. "S" came back into the house and the proverbial shit hit the fan. Her biggest issue was the fact that "M" let her friend get away with shoddy work. The tasks that "M" took charge of were done well, her friends tasks, not so much. "S" wanted "M" to learn that she needs to take responsibility for the WHOLE job.

So... after things calmed down a bit, "M" and I had a really good conversation. I talked to her about trying to see things the way her mom does. We talked about how that even though she was upset as well, that if she takes a step back and LISTENS to her mom, that things can be resolved way faster. A couple of the things that I said were almost word for word "my mom"... I could practically hear her in my head as I said them.

That afternoon I headed home. I could hardly wait to see my mom and talk to her. And to thank her for the valuable lessons that she taught me, even when I wasn't all that grateful. So next time your mother "falls out of your mouth", call her and thank her for the lessons that she imparted for to you.

Love you mom!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Oh so New!


It's may already! Seems like this year is flying by. May is all about newness for me, at least so far. New Job, new place to live, new city,new bedroom, new car, new family to get used to... all wonderful things, but alot to take in all at once.

Today was my first official day "on the job". Things went amazingly! My boss got me a gym membership and I got to work out today for the first time in ages. It felt so good :)

I'm still trying to get the routine down... it'll take a bit of time but it won't be too hard. Basically I'll be driving back and forth to rim park, working out, shopping and visiting with friends while "M" does her training. Every day will be different and thats perfect for me :)

The biggest change I have to make and stick to is a new bed time. No more staying up until one or two o'clock in the morning. I gotta be "up and at'em" by 7 am. Now while that may not seem that early to some of you, its early for me.

So... I'm off to bed! Yay bed!!