Sunday, January 9, 2011

All Moved In :)

For the first time in 3 months I an writing to you from the comfort of my own computer :) Hurray!!

Yesterday was moving day, and despite some initial moving related drama earlier in the week, it went off without a hitch! A big thank you goes out to Coleen Shepherd for volunteering her husband Chris to help me out and to my youngest siblings Matt and Meagan for all their hard work! Couldn't have done it without you guys!

Between Meagan and I we got about 80% of my stuff unpacked. At first it seemed pretty daunting... but once we realized that about half of what I own is either clothes or books, it didn't seem so bad. It'll take a few more hours to finish whats left and get totally organized, but I already feel at home here. Its so quiet and peaceful! Sleep came quite quickly last night in my new bed :) I'm thrilled to not be sleeping on the floor any more.

We're only 9 days into 2011 and its already been a fabulous year. I realize that I may not always feel that way, but I have every intention of staying positive no matter what circumstances come my way.

Joy is found in what you know... and I know what God has some AMAZING things in store for me this year!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

My God Rocks!

I just got back from a doctor's appointment. This was supposed to be the one where I got the official diagnoses of Chron's Disease....

Well that DIDN'T HAPPEN!!!! Because I DO NOT HAVE IT!!! Praise the Lord!! I think that my Doctor was as surprised as I was. The tone in his voice and the expression on his face gave away his surprise as he said "You do not have Chron's disease". He actually had to say it 3 times before I fully grasped what he was saying. Of course this was then followed by my actual diagnoses of Ulcerative Colitus.

Now Ulcerative colitus is not by any means an insignificant diagnoses, but compared to the life sentence of drugs and possible surgeries that comes with Chron's, I'm feeling pretty good about it right now. Colitus can also be managed with a much milder drug. So now I get to begin the process of coming off the herculean steroid they have me on :) Now all this does not negate the commitment I made to live healthier, in fact it just makes my resolve that much stronger. A lot of the symptoms with colitus can be managed through a proper diet and healthy lifestyle... so bring on the veggies :)

In other news... God has surprised me once again with His faithfulness... I had pretty much given up the search for an apartment, when He provided the prefect one AND the means with which to pay the deposit :) I move this saturday and God has already begun to provide the things I need to manage a "house" and run a healthy kitchen!

2011 has already surpassed 2010 in amazingness and we're only 4 days into it! I feel so surrounded by the love of God. What an incredible feeling!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bring It On!!

HURRAY!!! 2011 is here!

Hard to believe that its already a brand new year! But its gonna be the best one yet.

Last night didn't go as planned. I was supposed to go with a couple friends to a party to ring in the new year, but after only getting about 3 hours of sleep the night before, that didn't happen. I ended up going to the church, and then home. I think I am getting too old to party the night away... an all-nighter just doesn't hold the same appeal any more. I was in bed at 12:15 and proceeded to sleep a beautifully, gloriously solid sleep until 9:30 am :)

Before I drifted off to dream land, I took the time to think about what this next year has in store and all the possibilities. Lots is going to be changing for me, in fact as of this morning I've already begun to make some of those changes. But I decided to write myself a letter, and seal it until next December 31st. I wrote my "resolutions" and promises to myself. 364 days from now I will read it, and hopefully be able to reflect upon all that has transpired, good and bad. Hopefully mostly good.

I am not going to tell you all the things that I "promised" myself, but I will share a few with you...

In no particular order...

- Make the best food choice possible in each situation (A big part of the changes that I have to make due to having Chron's Disease have to due with my diet and the food that I eat. I am going to be switching to an organic, gluten free diet.)
- Budget... Get on one, stay on it, and stay accountable to my budget buddy.
- Make important relationships a priority
- Create a space that enhances my creativity (gotta find an apartment asap!)
- Daily devotions (something that I haven't always been consistent with)
- Save up for a super sweet vacation.
- Make stress and drama free living a priority (can't sweat the small stuff)

That gives you a small taste of what I am aiming for in the next year. 2011 is going to be challenging, interesting, inspiring, rewarding and require a lot of hard work...